
Financial Giving

Every little helps!

As a church we get NO FINANCIAL HELP from any organisation. What goes in the collection plate helps keep our 15th Century building in good shape, pays for our Chaplain and staff, and for any mission we seek to do.

Fortunately, we have some apartments that bring in some money from donations given, and we get donations from people using the church and the Salone for talks and concerts.

What we need is sustained and intentional giving.

Either for a project (installing a lift so ALL can access the first floor), or for mission and ministry to continue for another 144 years!

For some of us, it is so easy to spend at least €20 on coffee’s and cornetto’s without thinking.

Imagine what the church could do if we all INTENTIONALLY put aside €20 a week as our giving. Some might give less, some might give more.

Easy ways to donate

In the collection plate

’Tap and Pay machine, if you have no cash

QR code on our website and Weekly Pewsheet

Via Bank draft

A Legacy left to the Church


If you are a UK tax payer, you can gift aid the donation, and we get money from the tax man!

If you are an Italian tax payer you can choose ‘Assocazione Chiesa D’Inghilterra’ on your tax form for the Otto per mille.

The Cinque per Mille is an additional way of supporting charitable causes through St Mark’s, whereby you can divert 0.5% of your tax, from the State to St Mark’s Onlus.

Our number is CF: 94169230482

This year we were able to donate €7000 to two, very worthy causes: Associazione Progetto Arcobaleno, and Casa Marta, a childrens’ hospice

Chiesa D’Inghilterra

The Association Chiesa D’ Inghilterra  brings together all the churches of the Church of England  in Italy.

Please click on the link below to see the history and function of the Associazione.

Our bank details are below:

 a/c 30817225

The Diocese in Europe Board of Finance

IBAN: IT79E0842502803000030817225.


Please mark your gift
Donation to St Mark’s Church, Florence’

You can use our
QR code