Service of Holy Communion every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 16.00

Service of Holy Communion every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 16.00

The next service will be on
Sunday 13th April at 16.00 as we celebrate Palm Sunday.

We always have refreshments following the service,
so we can chat and get to know each other better.

Why not join us?




Worship at Holy Cross

Holy Cross Church, is part of the Church of England, here in Bologna.

Father Chris is the Chaplain of both Holy Cross, Bologna,
and St Mark’s, Florence, serving all of Emilia Romagna and Tuscany.

We celebrate Holy Communion in English, using Church of England liturgy,
every other week at 16.00.

YOU are more than welcome to join us.

  • SUNDAY AT 16.00

    Our services are in English but we are a multi-cultural group. We have a said Eucharist Service every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 16.00.

    We are a small, but committed group of people, who are welcoming to all who come. We sing hymns accompanied by a small organ and sometimes harp! We use the Anglican liturgy, read from the Bible, and say prayers.

    After the service, we sometimes discuss the sermon and we always stay and have refreshments and spend time getting to know each other.

Check out our Instagram and Facebook pages.

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Facebook - holycrosschurchbologna